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Center For African and African-American Studies
University of Texas At Austin

Preliminary statements on the Yoruba

The Yoruba as an ethnic and cultural group is one of the most researched ethnic groups in the world. By 1976, the available literature on the Yoruba, despite many omissions, numbered 3,488 items,1 an unrivalled feat in sub-Saharan Africa. A Yoruba civilization with a set of ideas, values, practices, philosophical thought, beliefs, traditions, institutions, material goods and technologies is well established and never in doubt. Concrete historical realities show that the Yoruba possess a rich civilization that is comparable with other civilizations of the world. The major aspects of this culture are expressed in visible attributes and in sublime values. The material culture is exhibited in commerce, manufacturing technology, arts and crafts and of course music and dance. Yoruba values are best seen in respect for elders and constituted authorities, honesty, integrity, diligence and a profound religious belief system. Read More..

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